Many of you have probably wondered where we got the name for our blog. When our kids were setting this up for us someone else had taken Sam's name so the kids named our blog after our family dog, Oscar McCullough.
This leads to our first new direction has to do with this blog site. As time has gone by we've realized that you don't know when we post something. Some have even had trouble writing a comment on our blog. So we are moving to a new site at Caring Bridge. If you sign up on the new site, they will automatically send you an email telling you that we've written something new. Also you should find it easier to write back to us your comments. You no longer will be wondering if we've written a new post.
To log on to our new site use: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/sammccullough
We will NO LONGER be adding to this old blogspot sight. So, in order to keep up with us you will have to use this new site.
The second new direction deals with Sam's regime. After our last CAT scan and blood tests, we had a lengthy consultation with our oncologist. After reviewing the scan results and assessing Sam's side effects and much prayer, we have decided to take a holiday from chemo. This will allow Sam's immune system to build up and become stronger and be better able to attack the cancer cells.
Along with this, after a great deal of research, and further consultations, we have ramped up his diet and supplements. Please pray that the Lord will take these and multiply their effects with his supernatural power as Jehovah-Rapha (the God who heals).
This Saturday, Oct. 9th, we will take a third new direction heading south to the Carolinas. This will be for a holiday at the beach in our cousin's beach house. We are really looking forward to some R&R and time away from chemo and feeling lousy. It will be great to walk on the beach and spend some special time with each other and with our Lord. I can just hear the waves crashing and the sea gull cawing and smell the sea air.
The fourth new direction will be heading inland the following weekend to be with our daughter Kristi and her family on Lake Wylie. What fun it will be to see what Darrin's latest project is and what Lily is up to and give them all big hugs!
Pray for Sam's body to mend and heal as he rests in the fresh sea air and in the Lord this next week.
"Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord."
Ps. 20:7.