Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New Directions

Many of you have probably wondered where we got the name for our blog. When our kids were setting this up for us someone else had taken Sam's name so the kids named our blog after our family dog, Oscar McCullough.
This leads to our first new direction has to do with this blog site. As time has gone by we've realized that you don't know when we post something. Some have even had trouble writing a comment on our blog. So we are moving to a new site at Caring Bridge. If you sign up on the new site, they will automatically send you an email telling you that we've written something new. Also you should find it easier to write back to us your comments. You no longer will be wondering if we've written a new post.
To log on to our new site use:
We will NO LONGER be adding to this old blogspot sight. So, in order to keep up with us you will have to use this new site.
The second new direction deals with Sam's regime. After our last CAT scan and blood tests, we had a lengthy consultation with our oncologist. After reviewing the scan results and assessing Sam's side effects and much prayer, we have decided to take a holiday from chemo. This will allow Sam's immune system to build up and become stronger and be better able to attack the cancer cells.
Along with this, after a great deal of research, and further consultations, we have ramped up his diet and supplements. Please pray that the Lord will take these and multiply their effects with his supernatural power as Jehovah-Rapha (the God who heals).
This Saturday, Oct. 9th, we will take a third new direction heading south to the Carolinas. This will be for a holiday at the beach in our cousin's beach house. We are really looking forward to some R&R and time away from chemo and feeling lousy. It will be great to walk on the beach and spend some special time with each other and with our Lord. I can just hear the waves crashing and the sea gull cawing and smell the sea air.
The fourth new direction will be heading inland the following weekend to be with our daughter Kristi and her family on Lake Wylie. What fun it will be to see what Darrin's latest project is and what Lily is up to and give them all big hugs!
Pray for Sam's body to mend and heal as he rests in the fresh sea air and in the Lord this next week.
"Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord."
Ps. 20:7.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reports from this week's tests

This morning we got by way of fax from the doctor's office the report from Sam's CT scan on Wed. We were disappointed that they said his situation was "not significantly changed." While things were "stable" only one lymph node was smaller and only by 3mm.

However, Sam's cancer markers in his blood have changed. The CA19-9 was 618 but is now down to 532. Normal is 0 - 37. So you medical types now have your techinical info.

This was Sam's "low" week and he did not have much energy and did a lot of sleeping and dragging around. Thankfully we have no chemo this Friday so he will improve and his immune system should bounce back.

I was encouraged today as I viewed the book of Matthew on dvd and saw Jesus heal the sick and raise the dead.

This is a busy weekend with the Christian Embasy Board in town and at our house for meetings so I'll write more at another time. Keep your prayers coming.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Resting in the Lord

Well you can see how Sam feels about how our visit with the oncologist went this morning. Psalm 37:4 has been a verse that I've often claimed but as you can see today Sam is claiming verse 7 "Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him." (He's going to shoot me when he sees this photo on our blog :o)
Today we met with our oncologist and weren't sure what to expect or what he would say. It was the first time we've had a consultation with him since before we started chemo. We had no idea if things were progressing or improving.
Dr. Felice poked around on Sam and announced that he thinks the mass on the liver is getting smaller. He ordered a blood test to check the cancer markers and we scheduled another CAT scan for Wed. morning. Needless to say we left his office feeling more encouraged than we have in many weeks. Everything I've read on the Internet about Sam's unique type of cancer has been discouraging so to hear this kind of report after only two rounds of chemo was good news! Only 1/100,000 cancers are cholangia carcinomas.
Of course good news needs to be celebrated. So we left the doctor's office and went out to Wendy's for lunch. On the way home we stopped by Trader Joe's for some fresh produce and healthy foods. However, we had to celebrate some more. So we put a "healthy" strawberry rhubarb pie into our basket. Back home on the deck we enjoyed a couple of slices together under a very blue, sunny September sky. Sam went on then to literally "rest in the Lord" as you can see in the photo.
His chemo and meds. still make him sluggish and call for naps but I think the contented look on his face this afternoon comes from the good news and his ability to rest in the Lord.
What's next? The doctor had blood drawn and they are checking Sam's "cancer markers" to see if they've improved. Then the office set up another CAT scan for Wed. morning. That should show what's been going on inside of Sam as your prayers have gone up and the chemo has dripped down.
Your prayers and emails and cards and facebook messages have kept us going and encouraged. Keep them coming as they help us to continue to rest in the Lord. We are in no way "out of the woods" just resting in our hammock on our deck :o)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What is "NORMAL"?

Wow! We didn't realize that it's been 2 weeks since I've written on our blog. I guess that's because we had our week "off" without any chemo. It was a wonderful week and we were more "normal". However, I'm beginning to feel like "normal" is only a setting on my dryer. Sept. 3 was our Friday without chemo so the following week had minimal residual side effects - no nausea and less fatigue.

We were able to attend our Christian Embassy Staff Retreat Tues. the 7th through Thurs. the 9th. It was held at Shrine Mont, an Episcopal conference center out near West Virginia. It was a delightful setting and a relaxed program of fellowship and times with the Lord. Sam did quite well and had enough stamina to participate in almost everything. I was program chairman so I couldn't relax like he did. There were games and scavenger hunt and skits to monitor.

During our personal "Date with God" time alone in the woods I decided to climb the mountain to the cross on top. (I had a burden to lay at the foot of the cross. You can probably guess what that was.)

Along the steep climb there are trees with signs for the "station's of the Cross". The Lord truly spoke to me as I read them and sometimes prayed the passages on each sign back to Him. When I got to the top of the mtn. I was surprised to find that the cross was on top of a steep "look out " tower. For those who don't know, I am scared of heights.

I took one look at the precarious wooden tower and wanted to quit. But, I had something to prove to myself and to demonstrate to the Lord so I carefully took a firm grip on the wooden railings and slowly started the climb. The tower got narrower and narrower as I climbed and by the time I got to the top my heart was pounding with fear. It took all the courage I could muster but I laid down on the platform and gave my burden to the Lord in prayer. Once I finished that, I took in the 360 degree awsome views (of course gripping the rail and staying as far back from the edge as possible. )

It was a much needed time alone with the Lord and the climb reminded me a bit of my bicycle hill climb that I wrote about in an earlier blog. This mountain though was much steeper and longer. When I got to the tree with the station of the Cross where Jesus stumbled I too slipped on the pea gravel as I was trying to get close enough to read the plaque. It was as if the Lord said to me, "It's okay if you stumble a bit under your burden. I did too under mine."

Well we came home to our third session (second round) of chemo the following day. It went pretty much like the other weeks. We sit for 5 hours in recliner chairs and wait for the IV bags of chemicals to slowly drip into Sam. He felt fine for most of the rest of the weekend until mid way through Sunday. This seems to be a pattern now. Kristi, Darrin and Lily had come up for the weekend so that was a pleasant distraction from thinking about cancer. Then almost like clockwork, when they left Sam began to feel nauseas. He took his pills and they pretty much end the nausea but bring on the fatique and sleepiness and the weekend ends with ZZZzzzzz's and no appetite. From what we hear, this is much better than chemo in the past.

Pray for my spirits when this happens because I begin to feel alone and contemplate what it would be like to lose Sam. Thankfully by Monday or Tuesday he begins to return to me and the rest of the world. Today he even drove in the Capital Hill to have a lunch Bible Study with some of his guys. They are a great encouragement to him and it's nice to return to "normal".

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Encouragement along our way.

There's a mug that sits in our kitchen window that keeps me going when the going get's tough. I bought it a few years ago and put it in my gift drawer for some friend who might need it. I never dreamed it would be us. We're not drinking any coffee out of it because I want it out on display as a reminder, rather than in the dishwasher.
When we are down or having a rough day of doubt we look at it and gain strength from its truthful message.
This week has been similar to the first week of chemo. Chemo took a little longer on Friday. Saturday was a good day for Sam and we were optimistic. However, halfway through Sunday he began to feel poorly. So he took his nausea pills and plodded on. Tuesday he felt well enough for a short bike ride but pooped out later that day. Wednesday was a day of feeling whipped and dragging around without much appetite but he did eat. That evening though he perked up and worked a bit at his desk. So we are real hopeful that tomorrow, Thursday will be a good day. It will be the day his immunities will be the lowest so we will have to be careful. We bought a huge bottle of hand sanitizer and hopefully I can keep him from shaking hands and hugging folks.
Nan had a special day Tuesday with a long visit on the phone in the morning with a special friend and prayer warrior. In the afternoon she got to go see an old college friend from Ohio. Both visits were just what what she needed to keep plodding on. Sometimes when we have our eyes on our circumstances or prognosis' or have been doing cancer research of our own we get discouraged. Then right when we need it HE shows up either in His Word, the Bible or in an encouraging phone call or visit from a friend.
Today I was reading about the man who had been sick for 38years in John 5. He was waiting at the pool for the angel to stir the waters when Jesus came by. "When Jesus saw him and KNEW how long he had been ill, He asked him, 'Would you like to be well?' 'I can't' said the sick man 'for I have no one to help me into the pool.'" I thought, wow! we have so many of you helping bring us to Jesus with your prayers! Thank you ever so much.
Again on August 29th the Lord spoke and encouraged me in my Oswald Chambers' devotional started out with,
"Every time you venture out in the life of faith, you will find something in your common-sense circumstances that flatly contradicts your faith...Can you trust Jesus Christ where your common sense cannot trust Him? Can you venture heroically on Jesus Christ's statements when the facts of your common-sense life shout - 'It's a lie?' On the mount it's easy.....but you have to come down to the valley and meet with facts that laugh at your belief."
We hope these words encourage your hearts as well as you read them.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Weekend Prayer Requests

Sam went in this morning for his second chemo. I stayed home so that his sister, Ann who is a nurse could go along and ask more intellegent questions for us. She will be our "nurse-in-residence" as she is living in our little basement apartment. She also just completed an on line nursing course on cancer.

Please pray for Sam especially over the weekend and following week. They say that the effects of chemo are cummulative so this could be a rough week. We'll try to keep you posted on it. In the mean time pray that the chemo kills the cancer cells without too many side effects. The list of potential side effects can be scary. They tell you everything upfront so you won't be surprised, but everyone reacts to chemo differently.

Along with the chemo, that drips in intraveneously, is some anti-nausea medicine. That really helps, but only lasts about 72 hours. After that he may have to take some pills. He did that on several days this past week and it seemed to help. However, he did feel like he had the flu a couple of days. The bad thing about those achy symptoms is that he can't take aspirin. Pray that he has a good week and is not too wiped out.

This morning after my Quiet Time with the Lord a song was going through my brain.
"Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His Wonderful Face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace."

I'm trying hard to do this but cancer is not strangely dim yet. Jesus's face sure is wonderful though and I don't know how we'd make it without his Glory & Grace. The Lord is using your emails and comments to help encourage us and help us keep our eyes on Jesus. Please include your last names on your blog comments because we know too many folks with the same first names. We love you all and appreciate each and everyone of you.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Sam - the BUSY bionic man

Thursday Sam had his medi-port put in and is all "hooked up" for his future chemo experiences. It went very well all except for having to skip breakfast and wait until the hospital lunch came at 2PM. He just about licked his plate clean. The nurses were hoping he'd leave his lemon bar for them but he took it home for "afternoon tea"!

They had put him in "la-la land" but he could see some of what they were doing on a monitor. When they woke him up he asked if they had started yet. It's amazing what they can do. The "port" was slipped in under his skin on his chest through a small 2" cut. They made another smaller cut up by his neck to slip the tube down into his vein. He was such a good sport and only complained about the small cut. The port allows him to be hooked up each Friday quite easily and frees him up to be BUSY. However, he's not going to be doing bench presses.

Friday was BUSY from 9 AM to 1:00 trying out this new bionic piece in his chest as he got his first chemo. When that was done he said, "Let's go to Lowes. I want to get a part for my sprinklers. You can go to Costco for pills and ice cream." Is this guy supposed to be sick? They gave him meds along with the chemo to keep him from being nauseous and they seem to be working and are supposed to last 72 hrs. Pray that Monday and beyond go well.

After our errands and a chocolate coated, dipped in almonds Dove Bar we headed home for a healthy home cooked supper with his sister. We explained all our chemo lessons to her over dinner since she will be our nurse in residence.

This morning we dressed for our usual Sat. morning bike ride but opted for homemade Belgian waffles on the deck and a late afternoon hike in the part. Right now he's out on his riding mower cutting the lawn. Is this BUSY bionic guy supposed to be sick? Pray that this continues. It must be all your prayers for us so don't let up. Next Friday's chemo is supposed to have a cumulative effect. Pray that he continues to beat the odds and predictions.

The opposite of BUSY in my mind is being still or resting. There's a wonderful verse that is painted on the front wall in our church back in PA. I had often thought it was a curious choice for an evangelical church to have front and center. I've given devotionals on it in the past but recently it has taken on new meaning and depth and I'm very glad that it was on that wall each Sunday morning for all those years.

It is Matthew 11:28 -29.

vs. 28 "Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavey-laiden and I will give you rest.
vs. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS."

The last couple of days this passage has been featured in my devotionals from Oswald Chambers. He says at one point, "The great solution is the simple one - "Come unto Me." The depth of our reality is tested by these words.........Whenever anything begins to disintegrate your life with Jesus Christ, turn to Him at once and ask Him to establish rest........"

Space will not allow for me to share the whole devotional but if you can go to My Utmost for His Highest for days 8/19 & 8/20. At one point Oswald even says, "It is the sick man who knows what health is. ......." He goes on to say, " The child of God never prays to be conscious that God answers prayer, he is so restfully certain that God always does answer prayer."

We find that very encouraging as we are storming the gates of heaven for a miracle. We hope it encourages you too.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back from the north and moving forward up our "hill"

We had a lovely visit with both the Governor and First Lady of RI on August 12th. We got a tour of their Capitol and then they took us out to lunch at a wonderful restaurant along the water. The weather was delightful and what a joy to get to know them both better and hear how the Lord has led in their lives.

The following day, the 13th we visited with Maine's First Lady. She shared the history of her gorgeous, old, New England style home. The weather again was perfect as we walked through her flower garden out back. Earlier in her careers, Karen had been a dietician so she had some encouraging ideas for Sam's new diet. Pray for both of these families as they too face uncertain futures as this is both of their last terms. Thirty seven governors change at this next election so make sure you VOTE.

We left Augusta and headed for the Maine coastline. The drive was beautiful as we meandered through old, picturesque, tiny towns. We arrived at Acadia National Park and checked into our quiet campsite at Seawall. We took our dinner at the Jordan Pond House in the park and the food and view were terrific. We toured the park on Saturday starting at the very top of our east coast on Cadilac Mtn. where we drank in the 360 degree views.

The next stop was a friends rustic cottage in the Adirondacks. There we met up with Sam's sister, Ann and her husband Phil. We chased them around the lake in kayaks, did a jigsaw puzzle, watched a dvd and enjoyed Ann's good cooking before the long drive home into our unknown future.

Today, Wednesday the 18th we spent the afternoon at the oncologist's office being taught about chemotherapy. It's back to looking at the immediate road ahead and pushing hard on each stroke of our peddles. Tomorrow, Thursday, August 19th, Sam will go in to Reston Hospital to have his medicine port put into his chest. It will allow the weekly chemotherapy to be given easily. They will have to "put him under" to insert the port device so it will take the whole morning and he will be groggy when I take him home.

Friday, August 20th he will go to the oncologist's office for his first round of chemo. It will take 5 hours for it to slowly drip in. We will get a lot of reading done each Friday as we repeat this two weeks on and one week off. After three rounds they will probably do scans again to see how the mass is shrinking and the cancer cells are being killed off.

PRAY that the Lord takes our new improved nutrition regime and these drugs and multiplies their effect and works HIS miracles in Sam's cells and body. Sam has an excellent and positive attitude which will stand him in good stead. Pray for me to be strong and encouraging. (A nurse, I am not! Thankfully, Ann who is a nurse will be home this weekend to help us.)

Will you join us in claiming Exodus 14:13?
"Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord."

Remember what our friend, Karen, (who also is a cancer survivor) said,
"It was the faith of the paralyzed man's friends that caused Jesus to heal the man; not the man's faith."

We are counting on your prayers and faith to be like the paralyzed man's friends, tearing off the roof tiles and lowering the man before Jesus in the house below. We love each and every one of you and are sorry that we haven't been able to write back to each of you but your cards and printed out emails surround us.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Johns Hopkins Review

We had a very nice time in Baltimore. Hopkins got us an excellent rate at a beautiful hotel and we went out to Little Italy for dinner after Sam's MRI on my birthday. The next morning, Tues. the 10th, we met with a doctor at JHH. He gave us the report from their team of doctors which pretty much concurred with our Reston oncologist although he thought that the mass on Sam's liver was not covering quite as much of his liver.

JHH recommended the same chemo cocktail as Reston has suggested and feels that this is the best approach along with eliminating white sugars, fatty foods and red meats. Because Sam experiences early satiatity they also agreed with lots of small high calorie meals throughout the day. Now the challenge for me, Sam's resident dietician is to fatten him up without fattening me up :o)

The JHH doc said we could still go on our little "vacation" before starting chemo so we are at our son, Scotty's in NYC for two days and will go on to meet the first ladies in RI and ME as we had planned. We will spend a couple days in ME before driving home to start our weekly "cocktail hours". We will do two on and one off weeks rotating like that for nine weeks and then re evalutate things and see how the chemo is working.

Please pray that Sam's body responds well to all this and that we do well emotioally. I was re-reading Chuck Swindol's book "Encouragement for Life" this morning. He starts his second chapt. with I Peter 4:19 which has the words "entrust" to a "faithful creator". Chuck goes on to explain the word "entrust" this way.

Entrust. What a wonderful word! It is a banking term in the original text, meaning to deposit. When it comes to trials, we depost ourselves into God's safekeeping and that deposit yields eternal dividends."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sunny Saturday's Perspectives

We got up this morning and pretended life was normal. We went for a bike ride to the Great Harvest Bread store and bought a loaf of Apple Scrapple Bread. (Is this is a start on becoming a health food nut?)

On the ride back home I was working my way up a long hard hill. Sam was well ahead of me. I thought that this is much like what we are tackling in our lives as we face CANCER. If I look at how long and steep the hill ahead is, I get discouraged and want to get off my bike and walk it up the rest of the way.

If I look down at the bike path and work on each push on the peddle right below me, I do better. I make it up the hill with one push at a time focusing on the road below. As I do this, I don't realize or see how steep and long the hill is ahead of me. I don't think about quiting and before I know it I'm at the top catching up with Sam and enjoying a cool drink of water from my bike bottle.

I can't say that was an epiphany but I did pause and thank the Lord for that perspective. We arrived at home and enjoyed a slice of apple scrapple bread with cream cheese. I looked across the counter to my mug that says, "With God All Things are Possible" and thanked Him for for who He is and that He cares about the smallest details of our lives.

Please keep praying that we will know after Tuesday's consultation at JHH which way to "steer our bikes" as we push each mundane pedal on the road right below us.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Our Next Step

We couldn't write much last time because we were still processing our difficult situation. We just put the diagnosis on the blog so you would know something.

For our medical friends this is exactly what we were told. It's called Metastic Chelangis Carcinoma or simply put Stage IV Biliary Cancer. I guess this conclusion was drawn from all the MRI's, CAT scan, and blood work. He had the marker called CA 19.9 which I believe is a cancer producing protein. The oncologist in Reston (Dr. Felice) wants to treat this with 2 chemos called Gemzar and Cisplatin. People tell us that these are the "big guns" or "gold standards". But we don't know where we will ultimately go.

We are going for a second opinion on Tues. morning Aug. 10th at Johns Hopkins Liver Dept. They want us to come up there on Mon. night for another MRI. I am expecting Sam to start glowing in the dark soon. That should help me find him in the middle of the night. At least by now he's learned that they won't let you wear jeans in the donut because they have metal brads on them. Next time he'll wear gym pants so he can stay warm :o)

Monday is my birthday so we are going to go up to Baltimore earlier in the day and walk around the Inner Harbor before the MRI and then out to dinner after the test. The next morning we will meet with the Hopkins' team of specialists. Thanks for your prayers and encouraging words. When making comments on this blog, please use the initial of your last name as we know too many folks with the same first names. We are claiming Ps. 71:12; 14-18.

A.B. Tozer said,
"Unbelief says:
some other time, but not now;
some other place, but not here;
some other people, but not us.

Belief says:
anything He did anywhere else He will do here;
anything He did any other time He is willing to do now;
anything He ever did for other people He is willing to do for us!"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

MTCP test

Sam enjoyed his second time going through the MRI machine so much that he fell asleep and the technician had to wake him up to tell him to hold his breath. :o) We were the last scan of the day. Afterwards we went out to dinner and came home and watch a John Candy movie. Proverbs says, "Laughter doeth good like medicine."

Now we wait until we talk with the oncologist tomorrow at 3PM to hear how his parts showed up on the scan. Pray for peace and patience for us and for discernment for the doc as he reads the scan and breaks the "news" to us.

We couldn't make it through all this without your continued prayers.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Begins and Tests Continue

We praised the Lord all weekend for the stomach results but were still haunted in the quiet moments with the uncertainty of where Sam's cancer is. While we've ruled out stomach and liver and probably large intestine there are still a lot of places where his cancer could be. We continue to need your prayers for peace and for wisdom for the doctors.

We had a wonderful weekend at our daughter Kristi's lake house with Kevin and his family as well. What fun to watch our two grand daughters interact and get to know each other better. Sam's cousin Paul brought his family for Saturday afternoon boat rides and swimming. Sam felt well and we forgot our problems for three days.

Tuesday Aug. 2nd it was back to the hospital for more tests. We had a CAT scan and a Bone scan. Sam gagged down what they called a vanilla smoothie and went in and out of a machine they affectionately called a donut. It was nothing like the smoothies and donuts that you and I enjoy. They put some sort of radioative "stuff" in his viens and told us to wait 2 hrs. Then the put him on a slab and told him to lie still while they slowly ran him through some other machine. I tried to entertain him by reading a magazine to him.

We won't know the offical readings on these tests for at least 24 hours but the technician leaked out to us that we shouldn't lose any sleep over the bone scan. Whew!

Tomorrow, Wed. the 3rd we will go back to the hospital to have some sort of test called an MRCP of the abdomen to evalute the pancreas and biliary tree. I don't think that's like any tree we've got in our yard :o) Poor Sam has to miss another meal fasting for yet another test.

The family doctor called today and said that the biopsy samples that were sent to TX for further evaluation did not reveal anything. So another big question mark.

We hope all this gives our medical friends some insight because we sure don't know what to make of all this. The bottom line is to keep praying for the doctors to find out where the cancer is located so that they can treat it and begin to work on shrinking the large mass on Sam's liver.

Today a dear friend texted Zeph 3:17 to us as we sat in the radiology waiting room. It's so encouraging to know:
"The Lord your God has arrived to live among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will give you victory. He will rejoice over you in great gladness. He will love you."

Friday, July 30, 2010

Endoscopy Report

We are elated that the endoscopy found no cancer in Sam's stomach. The doctor yesterday had sent us home thinking pretty sure that he would find that. I think he was surprised to only find a little gastritis which is an inflamation of the stomach lining that can easily be treated with Pevicid.

We will go ahead with the further tests on Tues. for the oncologist and have added a MRCP test on Wed. afternoon for the gastroentrologist doctor.

We are doing much better emotionally now that the stomach is cleared of cancer. Dr. Shah had sent us home yesterday feeling like we were on a death watch. He said that Sam had all the external symptoms of stomach cancer and that by the time symptoms appear the cancer is pretty far along. We are so glad that we are ultimately under the care of the Great Physician who knows the number of the hairs on our head and who can see inside of our every cell!

We are off to see our kids for the weekend and forget about all this for a couple of days. Thank you one and all for your prayers. They are truly carrying us through these deep waters. We love each and every precious friend.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Gastro Doctor's Appointment

We went to see Dr. Shah this afternoon was NOT very encouraging. Tomorrow morning we go for an endoscopy. This is where they sedate Sam and feed a scope down into his stomach to see if the cancer is there. Dr. Shah thinks that's where it is. Not good :o(

They will also take some more blood test to look for cancer "markers".

Depending on the results of the endoscopy there may be another test on Monday.

The oncologist still has Tuesday tests for a CAT and bone scan.

We really need prayers for healing and emotional strength.

Ps. 73:26
"My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever."

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Latest Prayer Requests

Sam continues to have digestive issues and discomfort especially after he eats. Tomorrow/Thursday afternoon Sam goes to the gastrointestial doctor for a consultation. Pray that the doctor will have insight and discernment. Then on Friday morning Sam will go to the hospital for an ERCP test. This is some sort of test for the gastrointestianal doctor to see if the cancer is in those areas

Next week on Tues. Aug. 1st Sam will again go to the hospital for a CAT scan and a bone scan.

Pray for us to have the Lord's peace and for all these tests to find the source of the cancer soon!

Tomorrow, July 29th, is Sam's actual 65th Birthday. We never dreamed that it be celebrated with a trip to a doctor to determine the location of cancer.

Lord willing after the Friday test we will drive to SC to be with our daughter Kristi and her husband Darrin along with grand daughter Lily. Our son Kevin will also be driving up from Florida with his family too (Sarah, Damien & Jazlyn). We will have a little family party on Lake Whylie where Kristi live. Hopefully that will keep us busy and our minds off our medical problems.

Tonight we had a pie social for congressmen on the Hill. They were encouraging and the pies were yummy. It's so good to spend time with others who love the Lord.

Lamentations 3 says,
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; GREAT IS HIS FAITHFULNESS!"

Monday, July 26, 2010


The Lord is gracious. In Lamentations 3:22-24 we read,
"The steadfas love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness."

Now for the techie info which may be more than you want:

We just got back from meeting our new doctor, Dr. Anthony Felice. We like him very much as he takes lots of time to talk and explain what might be going on. We were his last patient and he was running behind because he was talking to another patient. (After our medical discussions he asked Sam alot about what he does on Capital Hill.) He examinied Sam and ran a blood test that showed Sam's count to be normal and not anemic.

The lab in TX is running second tests on the biospy material but they still might not be able to tell from that. He said that in 15% of these cases, they cannot determine the source of the cancer. There is a specific regime for those. These come from some sort of glandular source like lungs, or "belly" organs. He doesn't think Sam's is lung related at this point because of his symptoms so far.

Dr. Felice phoned the practice that did Sam's colonoscopy from a year ago and they pretty much agree that it's not from that area because things looked normal and don't usually change that fast. (colonoscopys are done every 5-10 years.)

So tomorrow we will schedule CAT scan, Bone scan and the stomach GI tests. We don't know when exactly they will put Sam in because scheduling was closed for today. We continue to feel your prayers and the "peace that passes all understanding". Keep praying for us. Many thanks. Each of our dear friends are special to us.

Sam's party

Last night we think that close to 80 people packed into our home to celebrate Sam and encourage him. WOW! what a huge encouragement that they were!! He was truly surprised by all their love and kind words about his impact on their lives!

I was a little worried that he might break down as he had teared up just an hour before they all arrived but the Lord enabled him. It was so wonderful to be hugged by so many dear, dear friends. Men from his various Bible studies came. Several from way back in 1980 shared how much he meant to them. One of them is now an Episc. priest and led the whole group in prayer. Then the whole downstairs full of people said the Lord's Prayer together with more gusto than I've ever heard in a church.

We were able to share an encouraging email from our family doctor with the group and tell them how we have felt growing peace as the prayer network has fanned out literally across the globe. I truly believe that because of all those prayers we are at peace and more encouraged than ever. A friend who is a cancer survivor pointed out to us that Jesus healed the paralytic in the Bible because of the faith of his FRIENDS rather than the paralytic's faith. So we treasure each and everyone of you who are "ripping off roof tiles and lowering" Sam into the Saviour's presence.

Sam is busy right now filing out medical forms on the internet site for the oncologist. We are leaving in a few moments. Nan

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday July 23

For those just "tuning in": last week on Wed. 7/14 Sam went in for an "upper GI" to see what was going on. He thought he was just having indigestion issures.

After the first test which was a sonogram, the techinicions started talking among themselves and went for the radiologist MD who then called Sam in to talk. He said that there was a large 15cm. mass covering 80% of his liver. All other tests were called off and he was sent off to schedule a MRI. That couldn't be scheduled until a week ago on Fri. the 16th.

Sat. the 17th our family doctor who is a friend phoned to give us the horrible news that the mass probably indicates cancer coming from somewhere else. A biopsy was ordered and couldn't be scheduled until this Tues. 7/20. So we spent that whole day in the hospital.

More waiting to hear what the biopsy found. Yesterday, Thurs. 7/22 they phoned in late afternoon to say the results were inconclusive.

We hope no news means "good news" but the Reston Hospital lab couldn't read Sam's biopsy to determine where the cancer was coming from. So they had to send it out to another lab to read.

Pray that it gets read at the new lab today and that they come up with some conclusions otherwise the oncologist won't meet with us as scheduled on Mon. afternoon. Another long weekend of waiting. :o(

Sunday night 7/25 from 7 - 9PM we are having a birthday party to celebrate Sam's 65th and 30 years serving the Lord at the Christian Embassy. This was planned a month ago before we knew about Sam's health issues. We are going ahead with the party but how do we "celebrate"? Pray for us to have a good time forgeting our present drama. Come if you can. Jer. 29:11

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Hello loved ones. We've been touched and overwhelmed by your caring calls, emails, and responses. Thanks so much for being in contact with us and we can feel your love and concern. We feel upheld by the prayers and support you all have offered to us. Please continue to pray for wisdom in the decisions ahead.

Here is the latest update on Sam.
Yesterday Sam went to Reston Hospital for a biopsy on his liver. We spent most of the day there. The procedure went well, and we will not get any results for the next 2-3 days. So we are in a waiting period. Please pray that we will know what doctors and procedures to use once we have the results of this biopsy.