Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Johns Hopkins Review

We had a very nice time in Baltimore. Hopkins got us an excellent rate at a beautiful hotel and we went out to Little Italy for dinner after Sam's MRI on my birthday. The next morning, Tues. the 10th, we met with a doctor at JHH. He gave us the report from their team of doctors which pretty much concurred with our Reston oncologist although he thought that the mass on Sam's liver was not covering quite as much of his liver.

JHH recommended the same chemo cocktail as Reston has suggested and feels that this is the best approach along with eliminating white sugars, fatty foods and red meats. Because Sam experiences early satiatity they also agreed with lots of small high calorie meals throughout the day. Now the challenge for me, Sam's resident dietician is to fatten him up without fattening me up :o)

The JHH doc said we could still go on our little "vacation" before starting chemo so we are at our son, Scotty's in NYC for two days and will go on to meet the first ladies in RI and ME as we had planned. We will spend a couple days in ME before driving home to start our weekly "cocktail hours". We will do two on and one off weeks rotating like that for nine weeks and then re evalutate things and see how the chemo is working.

Please pray that Sam's body responds well to all this and that we do well emotioally. I was re-reading Chuck Swindol's book "Encouragement for Life" this morning. He starts his second chapt. with I Peter 4:19 which has the words "entrust" to a "faithful creator". Chuck goes on to explain the word "entrust" this way.

Entrust. What a wonderful word! It is a banking term in the original text, meaning to deposit. When it comes to trials, we depost ourselves into God's safekeeping and that deposit yields eternal dividends."


  1. Thanks for the update Nan. Linda and I are praying, thanks to Flo Wolfe, who alerted us last week.

    Hope the R&R is very enjoyable and praying that the chemo really works but doesn't wipe you out, Sam.


    Bill and Linda Bordeaux

  2. glad you have an opportunity for a vacation b/f chemo. our prayers are with you and your family as you enter this new world.

  3. thanks for keeping us up to date. Remember that we serve a MIGHTY GOD, in ALL things great and small!
    You both are an encouragement and shining light for all those that you touch.
    Praying for strength, wisdom and healing!
    Love you both,
    Lynn D

  4. Hi Sam and Nan,
    Got your prayer letter today ad found out about this blog. So good to know how to pray more specifically. We've been lifting you up and asking for strength for you and wisdom for the drs. but now we can keep up with progress. We love you guys and are blessed by your strength and courage as you walk through this deep valley.
    Chris and Bonnie

  5. Thanks for the great blog and updates, Nan, Adrienne and I are keeping up as best we can and of course keeping Sam in our prayers. We read about the drug cocktail that was actually the result of a trial just completed in the UK (who knew THEY still did health care innovations under their failed system) last April, so the timing of the treatment is providential, to say the least. From reading about it on, it sounds promising (arrests cancer growth in most patients). How you both are responding is so incredibly inspirational. We admire and love you both.

  6. Just opened your prayer letter and read the news. I am glad for the blog so that I know how to pray for you and the family. I know the Lord will show Himself the awesome God that He is and He will be with you as you go through this challenging time. Much love in His Grace, Gail Johnsen

  7. Hi Sam and Nan!
    Still trying to figure out how to keep "current" with your site but suffice it to say, we are keeping you both in thought and prayer knowing that God's purpose for you both is nothing short of wonderful!
    Enjoy your holiday and especially time spent over your "cocktail" hours!
    Ken and Deb

  8. We are praying daily for you both. Remember you have a home away from home whenever you need it in Baltimore. Even if you just need a respite from the hospital- I'll tell you where the key is! Stay Strong!LOve to you both, Betsy G.

  9. Nan,

    Love the picture of Sam sleeping on the Hammock but he will (already has perhaps?) shoot you, I'm sure :>) I know I would if Linda did that.

    Thanks for sharing the encouraging report and hope the Dr. visit next week is just as positive.

    Still praying.

    Bill & Linda
